For over 25 years, Compass Income has provided the best in financial advisory and services that focus on the needs of those who are retired and approaching retirement. We do not view ourselves as an “investment management solution,” rather a trustworthy financial planning / money management team that creates customized, tailored financial plans that consistently delivers results. Our objective is to provide individuals and their families with a financial plan that gives our clients a peace of mind and quality life after retirement.

Compass Income focuses on building lasting customer relationship. Only after we have a complete understanding of your financial picture do we begin to construct a tailored solution unique to your needs. We succeed by developing trusting relationships with our clients-working closely with attorneys, accountants and other professionals to create personalized wealth strategies tailored just for you.

The clients we serve are a remarkable and diverse group. They range from successful entrepreneurs and small business owners to high net worth families and corporate executives, all with significant resources to nurture, grow and protect. No matter where you fit into this spectrum, you can be sure that our commitment remains to serve every client as a unique individual with a unique plan to help you meet your financial goals.

how can we help ?


If you are paying taxes on CD’s, Money Market Accounts, Mutual Funds or Rental Properties, you may be paying taxes that you do not have to pay. Through proper interpretation of the Internal Revenue Code, there may be legal ways to reduce the federal taxes that you might be required to pay on line 8a of your federal 1040 tax form. In some cases these taxes may be substantially reduced, or almost entirely eliminated. We also may be able to help you in transferring estates from one generation to another generation with with minimal tax liability and probate requirements.


Do you have an IRA , 403b, 401k, SEP or some other type of pension or retirement plan? Would you prefer to minimize the taxes that your children will have to pay (at their tax rates) in the event that funds are left in these accounts at the time of your passing? We at Senior Financial Concepts can show you how to minimize and spread out any tax liabilities that might fall to your heirs.

social security

Are you paying Social Security taxes at the 85% rate? We may be able to help reduce these to 50%, a savings of 35%. In some instances we are able to eliminate them entirely!

Client Commitment

Compass Income wants to help you simplify your life. The retirement and near-retirement years are not the times in your life to be concerned about finances. If you are close to retirement or in retirement and the market drops basically in half as it did from March 2000 through October 2002 and again from Oct 2007 through March 2009 (S&P500 Down 57%). Time is simply not on your side to recoup loses from a market downturn if you are over 60.


success stories

“The team of financial consultants at Compass Income are professional, courteous and knowledge. They answered all of the questions my wife & I had about our retirement and helped us set up a plan that would secure our income to come.”

Michael P

Atlanta, GA